Revelation of God’s Strength

Until you receive a
revelation of God’s love for you, you will
never reason with trusting him for

I’m just being honest.

In all life circumstances that are created to bring you fear and weakness, you can alter the
outcome by your choices on how you react
to them. We have an internal source, a flame
that can not be diminished. People with
strong faith may seem foolish to those who
don’t believe. It’s because they lack the
revelation of the power of God’s love for his
beloved people.

Saying my strength comes from the Lord isn’t a hypothetical or just a cool saying. It has become a reality of my every day life because I made the choice to trust him and invite him into each problem I have encountered in this life.

It’s his faithfulness to show up for me and
rescue me E V E R Y TI M E that has allowed
me to continue to draw his strength even
when I think I have hit the bottom.

He has no
bottom! The only bottom WE can reach is
the lack of faith WE have in him.

One response to “Revelation of God’s Strength”

  1. kathleenlaurence Avatar

    “People with strong faith may seem foolish to those who don’t believe.” Whoa. That hit me. So true, so true. Stay strong! Our God IS who he says he is!! Hallelujah!!


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I’m Ash’Leigh

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things becoming who God created you to be- His loved child! Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, authenticity, and all things identity growing in Christ Jesus. Let’s grow together!

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