Quick Beach Wavy Hair Straight from the Bottle

Summer Friday’s have this Busy Momma on the Go, Go, Go! This happens to create some serious #hairstruggles post morning work out. As you can imagine after a hour of Zumba followed by another 30 minuets of a shoulder lifting my hair is a sweaty drenched mess.

A shower is a MUST!

Being that my Friday’s have been crazy busy these past couple of weeks, running madly outside of my home on various errands, leaves me a very small window of time to grab a quick shower. Yes, the wet hair slicked back in a pony or bun can come in handy, but I have found a super easy way to create Beach Wave locks, in minuets!! (quick shower included)

straight hair

I have to share this picture with you so you can see just how STRAIGHT my hair is. I have very fine hair and volume just does not come natural for me, even with color on my hair! Go, Figure!

This would probably be a good time to post a picture of my sweaty post work out hair, but I will spare you for today! 😉

Here is my hair after a quick shower. Check that volume out! You would have never guessed that I was a sweaty mess just 30 minuets prior to this photo!



Get the Look

Now here comes my favorite drug store find of the season………………….Walgreens!



I have tried several sea salt sprays to get this look with much disappointment.

I LOVE this spray!

Wash your hair , towel dry, then comb out any tangles.

Pick out something fabulous to wear and get dressed.

Go ahead and apply your favorite bronzer, blush, eye shadow, mascara, eye liner, and lip gloss. (If you desire!)

Shake your TXT IT spray and spray all over your tresses. Starting from the bottom of your hair, start scrunching your locks from the bottom to the roots. (As much hair as you can hold in your hand.) Squeeze a handful of hair and release.  Repeat until all of your hair has been hand scrunched.

*Feel free to spray in more spray and scrunch some more until desired look is reached.

Now to my favorite part:

Let it air dry and Go!

You will notice that the bottle says “All day (un)dressed Look. If you are going for something more put together, then I suggest skipping the spray, blow dry out, and roll with wand.

Remember we are in a hurry and on the go, that’s why we are opting for the messy beach waves look!

L’Oreal Paris did not give or ask me to review this product. This review is strictly of my own personal opinion.

How do you achieve quick beach waves? I would love to learn other ways as well! Comment below please!


-Leigh Leigh

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7 responses to “Quick Beach Wavy Hair Straight from the Bottle”

  1. Sasha Avatar

    You have some beautiful hair!! Mine is the dire opposite–soooo thick! It has a lot of natural wave to it already but maybe this stuff would help keep it a bit tamed. It’s worth a shot at least. I am forever sporting the pony tail!


    1. leighleighspeaks Avatar

      Thank you!!! So funny how we covet what the other has! I wish mine was thick and wavy!! Nothing wrong with the pony tail!! Do you ever use head bands with your pony tails? If you try the sea salt spray you got to tell me how you liked it! 😉


      1. Sasha Avatar

        So true, we always want what we do not have and yes I am a headband lover, especially when I work out. I found after having my second child I suddenly have all these little wispy baby hairs along the front of my hair that like to stick themselves straight up sometimes!! :-/ The joys of motherhood! 😉 Yes I will let you know about the spray!


      2. leighleighspeaks Avatar

        Okay, no you make me feel better because I have those baby hairs as well. They are at the top and bottom! Lol


  2. Shellsea Avatar

    I tried this it made my hair feel sticky and didn’t hold well afterward. Any suggestions.


    1. leighleighspeaks Avatar

      Hmm sticky? It makes mine feel fried out but that’s because it has salt in it. Maybe you put too much in it.



    […] YOUR HAIR …. The day before I sported my BEACH WAVES Look for our WILD CAMO Spirit Day. You can find this tutorial HERE! When I distress my hair it makes […]


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