Because you know I’m all about that Work, ‘Bout that Work, no Excuses!

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11


If there is one thing I have learned from years of “trying” to be consciously fit and healthy is that discipline does not just happen over night!

For example.. If you are a parent you know that disciplining your children is a daily chore that continues until that day they reach adulthood!

training (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

: a process by which someone is taught the skills that are needed for an art, profession, or job

: the process by which an athlete prepares for competition by exercising, practicing, etc.

process (Merriam Webster Dictionary)

: a series of actions that produce something or that lead to a particular result

When we get down to the core meaning of the words training, and process we quickly learn this is something that happens over time!

I think this is very important and should not be over looked if you are just now starting  your journey to weight loss and changing your body. Be realistic about the choice for changing your lifestyle will cost you, but know that it will be so worth it in the end!

Expect to give up, expect to throw in the towel, expect to not get it righ , right away! Show yourself some grace and forgiveness…but never give up! Pray for strength in your weak moments.

YES Skipping the pizza buffet to eat grilled chicken and a low fat salad is hard…………………………….but over time it’s worth it.

image found on pinterest
image found on pinterest

Yes saying no to candy bars, cakes, cookies, pastas while your friends cook it up and share it…………………………..but over time it’s worth it.

Ordering Water or unsweet tea over your go to sugar loaded Dr. Pepper…………………..but over time it’s so worth it.

Yes getting out of your warm cozy bed to go sweat and run at 5:00AM  seems impossible when its 32 degrees outside………………………but over time it’s worth it!

heading out for a run on a cold day
heading out for a run on a cold day


Spending your time in the gym when you would rather be home relaxing after a hard days work feels warranted……but over time it’s worth it!

Yes after all those hours spent, sore muscles aches, annoying junk food cravings, tears because you know sometimes you are just having a bad day, sweat lost, unnecessary judgments passed from others……… will happen! You will look in the mirror and see that all your hard work, dedication, commitment, and discipline paid off BIG!

They say that people who say skinny feels better then a cupcake tastes never had a cupcake, has no clue how empowering it feels to take control of your body and not submit to a cupcake.

It’s not about how good skinny feels, its about the confidence you  gain in yourself knowing that because you decided to trust a process, believe in yourself, and work like a dog to get it done… YOU DID IT! SKINNY just happens to be one of those fruits your reaped  from your harvest you were diligently planting! 😉

photo found on pinterest
photo found on pinterest


Working out has been a life change that I didn’t get right the first time or the first 10 times. Check out my Transformation story here!



Leigh Leigh

Follow my blog please!! Like me on Facebook here, or follow me on Twitter! @ash_leighharris.

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I’m Ash’Leigh

Welcome to my cozy corner of the internet dedicated to all things becoming who God created you to be- His loved child! Here, I invite you to join me on a journey of creativity, authenticity, and all things identity growing in Christ Jesus. Let’s grow together!

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